Sunday, March 9, 2008

And so we bid a fond farewell to Phoenix

All good things must come to an end and that includes our wonderful trip to Phoenix. Tom left Friday at midnight and presumably beat the nasty weather to arrive home Saturday morning. We haven't heard from him but that usually means everything is OK. I left for Los Angeles this morning. My flight was delayed almost two hours due to fog at LAX. I arrived around noon and am now safe and sound at Galen and Laura's. Brendan was to leave this morning but his flight was canceled due to the storm. He leaves tonight at 12:30 and will arrive in Cincinnati at 6:30 Monday morning. Our trip was really possible because of the generosity and hospitality of Bill and Shannon Corrigan. Words cannot express our gratitude but perhaps this picture will give some idea of the laid back style of life they shared with us.

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